Data Use and Productivity in the UK: an Economic Modelling and Longitudinal Study

The purpose of this research is to develop a framework to conceptualise the relationship between data use and productivity, and to monitor this relationship over time.

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Summary & aims

A defining aspect of the digital age is the use of data, specifically large stores of digitized information referred to as “big data”, The large-scale mass of digitized information together with super-computing capabilities and AI-based systems, make data a primary source of firm performance.

Data is used to manage an increasingly larger share of firm activities, such as market searches, product customization and design, R&D and innovation, management and organizational change, advertising, etc. On this basis, data is regarded as a key factor that could be driving firm productivity in the next decades.

This research will try to shed some light on the relationship between data use and productivity at firm level over time. This is a joint project with LUISS University and Ipsos-Mori.

Principal Investigator

Data Use and Productivity in the UK: an Economic Modelling and Longitudinal Study
Principal Economist