Educational outcomes of vulnerable children

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Summary & aims

The Equality and Human Rights Commission (EHRC) is populating its Measurement Framework (MF) to assesses equality and human rights across a number of domains. The domain on Education and Learning encompasses the educational outcomes for children and young people including those defined as 'vulnerable' in the MF. This latter group includes: asylum seekers and refugees, children in need, children looked after by social services, gypsies and travellers, trafficked children, homeless children, children living in income poverty, children who are carers, children living in unsuitable accommodation and those in transition from care.


Methods: The research includes descriptive analysis of data from England, Wales and Scotland. The respective datasets used for the three countries are: the National Pupil Database (NPD); National Data Collection (NDC), and the Pupils in Scotland Census linked to examination results from the Scottish Qualifications Authority (SQA). The analysis looks at attainment across the Key Stages in relation to children and young people's characteristics, for example special educational needs and ethnicity. As data were unavailable for many of the children defined as vulnerable, a literature review was conducted to gain an understanding of their experiences. The project is funded by the Equalities and Human Rights Commission. It began in December 2012 and was completed at the end of 2013.


Lucy Stokes
Principal Economist