Evidence Review of Inequality Among LGBT Groups

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Summary & aims

Despite substantial social and legal improvements in the UK, LGBT people continue to face disadvantage and inequality on the basis of their sexual orientation and/or gender identity. This evidence review aims to identify and critically assess evidence of this disadvantage and inequality, with the aim of helping to inform and develop policy to remove barriers to LGBT equality.


The aim of this review was to systematically identify and critically discuss the nature, robustness and strength of evidence on disadvantage and inequality among different LGBT groups, relative to other comparator groups in the UK. Building upon the findings of three previous reviews, this evidence review will highlight areas of policy concern, critically discussing how well these have been addressed in the literature. As such a key component of this review will be to identify gaps in research, setting out where there is robust evidence of LGBT disadvantage and inequality and where further research is needed.

Timescale and funder

The review was funded by the Government Equalities Office. It began in January 2015 and was completed in 2016


You can read the final report here and read Nathan Hudson-Sharp’s blog on the subject here.

