Using research tools to improve language in the early years (URLEY)

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Summary & aims

The URLEY programme aims to improve children’s language and social-behavioural outcomes, by training nursery and reception teachers to use self-assessment tools called the Environment Rating Scales. These scales are highly regarded research tools used for assessing the quality of early years settings. The URLEY programme is being developed and delivered by a team from Oxford University, UCL Institute of Education and A+ Education. Funded by the Education Endowment Foundation (EEF), this evaluation is exploring the impact of the intervention.


This evaluation is led by the Behavioural Insights Team (BIT), working in partnership with NIESR. The impact evaluation consists of a two-armed randomised control trial involving around 120 primary schools with nursery classes. The evaluation is exploring the impact of the programme on children’s language and social-behavioural development, as well as the impact on changes in practice among early years practitioners. The process evaluation is exploring implementation, delivery and perceived impact.

The evaluation is funded by the Education Endowment Foundation. It was completed in Summer 2019. Final report available on the EEF website project page


Lucy Stokes
Principal Economist
Private: Johnny Runge
Principal Social Researcher


Lucy Stokes
Principal Economist
Private: Johnny Runge
Principal Social Researcher