The World Economy Expected to Grow by 3.6% in 2017 and 2018

Our World Economic Forecast, taken from the National Institute Economic Review

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Pub. Date
01 August, 2017
Glass globe on business oaoer

Key points

  • Forecast for world GDP growth in 2017 has been revised up to 3.6 per cent, which would be the fastest growth in six years. Growth projections for 2018 and the medium term are unchanged, at 3.6 and 3.4 per cent, respectively. Inflation forecast has nevertheless generally been revised down slightly.
  • In the Euro Area, stronger economic performance, together with reduced political uncertainty, provides an opportunity for action to complete the monetary union and reduce economic imbalances.
  • To avoid jeopardising the recovery, central banks in the advanced economies will have to manage policy normalisation with particular caution.